
Do I have to obtain tax ID in Hungary if I want to rent out my property?


How do I get my tax ID?
The tax ID is generated by the revenue office for businesses or for private individual doing businesses such as renting out properties. Since August of 2010 private individuals do not have to obtain tax ID  number in order to issue and collect rentals legally.

If not compulsory, why should I have a Hungarian tax ID?
Without a tax ID number you will not be able to rent out a parking space or rent to a company. Note that you may have to produce  'proper' invoices in case you have a corporate tenant as they cannot pay you  without invoices.

Difference between a corporate and a private tenant.
Corporate tenants have to deduct personal income tax from the rent and pay it directly to the tax office on behalf of the landlord. This advance  payment will appear on the owner's tax account as tax paid.

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